Client/Family Responsibilities

The admitting nurse, under the direction of a physician, is responsible for:
  • 1. Determining that the client’s clinical needs can be met at home.
  • 2. Developing the plan of care in conjunction with the client/family.
Client/Family will be responsible for:
  • 1. Providing a supportive environment for the client and staff.
  • 2. Notifying the agency when the client is unavailable for the agreed upon times.
  • 3. Supplying the agency with an accurate and complete client medical history.
  • 4. Following the Care Plan as written.
  • 5. Notifying the agency if Care Plan instructions are unclear or difficult to follow.
  • 6. Treating all staff respectfully.
  • 7. Providing a safe living environment for the client and staff. This includes:
    • • No accessible or visible weapons. All weapons must be locked up and guns must be stored unloaded.
    • • No verbal abuse or threats.
    • • No harassment (including comments or sexual innuendos).
  • 8. Notifying the agency if a client/family member has a contagious illness before staff arrive. Contagious illnesses include measles, flu, chicken pox, etc.
  • 9. Caring for the client if the agency is unable to provide staff because of unforeseen illnesses (client’s or staff’s), inclement weather, other emergencies, or repeated non-acceptance of staff.
  • 10. Providing a reliable and insured vehicle (or compensation for costs related to staff-provided vehicle) when transportation is in the client’s authorized care plan.
  • 11. Securing client’s personal belongings and financial resources. All staff are expected to treat clients’ homes/belongings respectfully.
To help ensure the safety of client’s belongings, client/family:
  • • Will secure money and valuable property.
  • • Will not give or loan any personal property to staff.
  • • Will not provide staff with access to client’s valuable personal belongings, cash, financial information, checks, cash cards, etc. (unless specifically included in the care plan).
  • • Will report all suspected theft or damage claims to the agency for a thorough investigation.
NOTE: Staff is not allowed to:
  • • Accept additional compensation – including tips, gift cards, or other gifts.
  • • Remove or borrow items from a client’s home.
  • • Take responsibility for the client’s financial resources unless it is specified in the care plan.
  • • Provide services or take care of people who are not listed in the care plan.
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